Nepal Schools Trust
Plans for a new building at Milijuli Primary School, Nepal, received a £6,000 boost thanks to an ERSF grant. The school has embarked on an earthquake safe two-storey building and is working to complete groundfloor first. “Since the school grows by one class each year, and will do so until they have at least one […]
Read More»EdUKaid
A £10,000 ERSF grant to EdUKaid had been used to set up and run a re-primary class and provid basic primary school resources at Mgao School in Mtwara, Tanzania. Government policy in Tanzania has stipulated that all primary schools should have a pre-school class for children aged four to six years old. Children are to […]

The Catherine Bullen Foundation
Building work on a new canteen/kitchen at Omuhaturua Primary School began in May 2011 thanks to a £10,000 grant from ERSF. Once completed the kitchen will be handed over to the school and the Namibian Ministry of Education will fund staff and running costs. The cost of construction is just over £60,000 and the building […]

Arunodaya tailoring and embroidery
Tailoring and embroidery trainees have been learning skills of the trade thanks to a £15,000 grant from ERSF to Arunodaya Scheduled Caste Welfare Residential Public School Association. Some 70 trainees, all of whom have been living below the poverty line, had sewing machines distributed to them so that they were able to take part in […]

Labony Estate Praroyna
Three schools for slum children and adults have received support from ERSF with a grant of £5,000 to Labony Estate Praroyna. The money has enabled the organisation to increase the number of students by 35 to a total of 305 by paying ten teachers who provide both vocational and general education
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