Victory Rural Development Society
Free computer education for poor girls has been made possible thanks to a £5,000 ERSF grant to Victory Rural Develpment Society. The money was used to buy computers, accessories and furniture as well as paying the salaries of two teaching staff. The skills that the girls learn offer a way out of the poverty trap […]

Kalki Drop-in Centre for street children
Every year, due to domestic violence, neglect and the need to supplement the family income, thousands of children migrate to the streets of Pondicherry, one of the most densely populated cities in South India. Despite low wages and exploitation, these children forgo their education for informal work such as street hawking and rag picking, while […]

GRDS education
A £9,000 grant from ERSF to GRDWS India has been helping young women and girls with their education and learning new skills.

The Rural Woman’s Development Trust received a £6,000 grant from ERSF for five Education Coaching Centres. Before starting the project, the drop out ratio was high among children in primary schools and high schools but with the introduction of evening coaching classes has secured higher marks and pass rates for more than 170 youngsters. The […]

Manthan the Achievement
A Child Educaton Camp; Development Project run by Manthan the Achievement is running smoothly thanks to an £8,000 grant from ERSF. The support also brought bout new IEC material in the form of Theatre Labanakto involving 20 participants from the organisation.