The David Beckham Academy 2008
Providing camps for kids where they learn football as well as educational topics took place at The David Beckham Academy thanks in part to a £25,000 grant from ERSF. Schools were approached in five London boroughs and they in turn nominated deserving pupils to attend camps – allowing under-privileged kids the chance to take part.

CHYP new beginning project
A new beginning project run by CHYP and funded by an ERSF grant aimed to get 75% of participants on the programme actively engaged in employment, voluntary work, training or education. Targets also included 50% of participants to be working towards the ASDAN bronze award, with 30% achieving one or more module credits, and 80% […]
Read More»WZO Pourchista Skills Centre
Pourchista Skills Centre and Senior Citizens Centre benefited from a £18,500 ERSF grant to the World Zoroastrian Organisation. The money went towards staff costs, equipment, food for senior citizens, entertainment and subsidised training and expenses for students. “The Iranian Zoroastrians are often overlooked by their fellow Zoroastrians in the west,” said a WZO spokesman. “Economically […]

WZO 1st Degree/Undergraduate courses
A £15,000 ERSF grant to the World Zoroastrian Organisation for 1st Degree and Undergraduate courses was split between India, Iran and Pakistan. The WZO set up the Erach and Roshan Sadri Scholarship which was monitored by academics who oversaw all applicants. “This is a very positive activity for the younger generation to move ahead in […]
Read More»World Zoroastrian Organisation cottages
The replacment of mud huts with brick built cottages has been made possible thanks to a £32,000 ERSF grant to the World Zoroastrian Organisation. “The rural Zoroastrian live in very harsh conditions,” said a WZO spokesman. “The provision of a secure home and basic amenities is a ray of hope in their lives.” With the […]