A £9,000 ERSF grant to PSYS was used for educational aid for poor children in tribal villages. The project helped hundreds of children from 10 different villages, with the grant forming a strong foundation for the educational activities.

The Big Issue
An England Homeless World Cup squad was able to compete in the 2008 homeless world cup held in Melbourne, Australia, thanks to a £20,000 grant from ERSF. The money paid for flights, accommodation and food. “People often think that it is only about the eight players who compete in the tournament,” said a Big Issue […]
Read More»British Schools Exploring Society
A UK training programme for disadvantaged young people – covering training weekends, a residential week, hire of equipment, transport, administration, mentoring support and leader’s development – received a £7,500 boost from ERSF.

FKS Foundation
A £20,000 ERSF grant represented an arm’s length financial contribution to a FKS Foundation project to expand an existing programme of educating the poor and needy on a continuing basis for college education. Money was used for college fees, books and instruments, boarding and conyeance expenses paid to 45 students.
Read More»Loughborough University scholarships
A £15,000 ERSF grant provided support for international students through scholarships and/or hardship grants at Loughborough University. The scholarships ensured that two international postgraduate students were able to complete their studies successfully, while the hardship grants freed a number of international students from the burden of serious financial worry.
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